The pandemic, if not anything, has definitely  presented organizations with an opportunity to assess their IT infrastructures and think  about deploying robust and advanced solutions and to us common folks, to leverage this time to  up skill and get an edge in this industry.Not just that, google trend suggests that interests in  IT certifications has gone up by 40% between May and October this year alone. Hence, we bring to you he  much awaited list of the Top 10 IT Certifications  

providers which sums up to 277 billion USD. Now cloud has become a permanent fixture for end users, service providers and organizations of  all sizes, which is why it has garnered so much  

attention and coverage from cloud certification  providers as well as cloud-related product  deliverers such as AWS, GCP, VMware and Azure. Now,  there has been a skill gap in the Cloud Computing  

industry which lends itself to a really high  average salary of 153,000 USD in the USand 30LPA in India to skilled professionals who  can prove their expertise using certifications.  

Edureka has a plethora of instructor-led training  programs as well as an Advanced Certification in Cloud Computing with E&ICT Academy IIT Kanpur aiming  to build professionals who can design develop and  

manage robust, secure, scalable and dynamic cloud  solutions. So next, we have Project Management and  IT Service Management. Now, the global growth is  estimated to be 5.4% for the year 2021.  

Now, this leaves the GDP about 6.5%  lower than what was predicted pre-COVID. At an economic despair like this, stakeholders  and consumers alike, need that level of assurance  

that the person handling their products has the  ability, has the experience as well as expertise to define, plan and deliver the products  effectively.

And what better way to show 

this level of proficiency than a certification! Now,  there are a number of different certifications in this field. You have PMP, PRINCE2, CSM, CSP, PMI-ACP,  APMG and ITIL. Now these certifications don't just  

show your competency as a manager but also bump  up those digits in your salary. And the best of all,using these certifications you are not  just confined to one industry or field.  As you can see from the wide number of job-openings from companies such as Sunsilk and PnG  

to technical companies such as SEIMENS and Ubisoft.  So next on our list, we have DevOps. Nowadays,  Most companies are looking at DevOps as a whole  cultural change as opposed to just a buzzword. Now,  with the increased demand of rapid developmental  strategies as well as the constant requirement  

of application deployment, it is only obvious that  the requirement for DevOps experts is only going  to grow in the coming years. Now obtaining a DevOps  certification is one way for potential candidates  

not just to validate their skill set but also gain that competitive edge over other competitors for  the same position. Now the top certifications in the market are for Jenkins, Docker, Puppet, Chef and  

Kubernetes. Now Edureka's DevOps Masters Program  covers all of these technologies in ample depth.  Apart from that, there are also certifications from  Azure and AWS which are namely the Azure DevOps  

Solutions Expert Certification and the AWS DevOps Engineer Certification.

for the year 2021 that might give you a leg up  in your career. Also understand that this list ispurely subjective and does not claim to be the  absolute ranking. So, feel free to leave us with  

let's get started. So in no particular order, first  we have Cyber-security. Now as the world grapples  

with this unprecedented pandemic in the name of  COVID-19, working remotely has become the new norm.  But this brings with it a lot of cyber threats  due to remote access of IT infrastructures, use  

of collaborative tools as well as availability of  enterprise data on endpoint devices. At a time like

this, Cyber-security professionals are the unsung  heroes, pivotal against potential cyber attacks  ranging from attack mitigation to penetration  testing. All of this is covered in industry  

renowned certifications like the CEH and  Compliant Security+ of which Eureka the official training partner. Apart  from this, you also have certifications  

like the OSCP, CISSP, CISM and GIAC. Now these  certifications are slightly pricey for sure  but it all starts to come together and make sense  once you start making up to 215,000 USD

or 29 lakhs per annum in India from companies  such as FireEye, Hacker-one, Society Generale, Dell and NetApp. You could also defend these companies  from phishers, hackers and cyber attacks by  

acquiring the skills from the Advanced Executive  Program in Cyber security from NIT, Rourkela  and Eureka. Next, we have Cloud Architect. Now, over the past decade, there has hardly  

been an area in IT which has generated as much  hype, interest or investment as Cloud Computing IDC predicts an overall compounded five-year  interest rate of 22% for all cloud service 

 Now the average salary for a Certified DevOps Expert goes up to 155,000  USD in the US and 21 lakhs in India.  

And when you are certified as a DevOps Expert or  a DevOps Engineer, you can land a job in any of  the companies such as Honeywell, Wipro, Cisco, Dell and IBM. Next on our list, we have DataBase Admin Certifications

Now, over the past three decades we  have seen a lot of database platforms come and go but there has never been a question that database is a crucial component for all computing tasks.  

Now DBA certifications might not be as bleeding-edge as cloud computing or computer forensics  but savvY, talented and knowledgeable DBAs and  professionals are welcome anytime anywhere. Now 

IBM's Professional Database Administrator,  Microsoft SQL Server Database Certification, Oracls  Certified Professional, SAP HANA and Salesforce are some of market's leading certifications in DBA.  

Now, in part this conveys the maturity of database as a technology and also its integral contribution  to many computing tasks in companies such as Oracle, IBM, SAP, Salesforce and Society Generale.

So, DBAs and Database professionals get  paid as high as 113,000 dollars in the US 

and 15 lakhs per annum in India.Next on our list, we have Digital Marketing. Now globally, the Digital Marketing industry is worth 190 billion dollars,  which leaves opportunities for the rest of us to 

be a part of this lucrative industry. Now there are a couple of certifications in Digital Marketing,  namely the Google Analytics IQ or the  Fundamentals of Digital Marketing by Google.  

You also have Hub Spot Content Marketing  certification, PG Certification Program in  Marketing with specialization in Digital  Marketing with IMT, Ghaziabad and Edureka.  

Now these certifications are designed to make  you proficient in areas such as Search Engine Optimization  Social Media, Pay-Per-Click Marketing,  Conversion Optimization, Web Analytics, Content Marketing,  

E-mail and Mobile Marketing. All of these  certifications get you industry ready to get  hired in companies such as Etsy, Ebay, Walmart and Amazon for more than comfortable incomes.  

Next on our list, we have Networking Certifications,  Now before we start to understand and weigh the  pros and cons of Networking Certifications, let's break this one down a little bit. Now simply put,  

networking helps you assess, sustain and configure  computer hardware and operating systems. It helps  you evaluate and alleviate risks on your system as well as select the technologies and network design which will help prevent and defend, also resolve  your IT problems. Now this is a broad skill set  

which definitely puts networking professionals  on top of the food chain and always in demand. Now you could do it, too, if you got certified  by CCNA, CCNP, ISACA, CompTIA Security+,  

Network+ as well as Red Hat Certifications. Now,  once certified you could land into companies like  Cisco, Tech Mahindra, Accenture and HCL for  comfortable salaries like 143,000 or 14lakhs  

in India on an average. Next we have programming,  and Web Development. In this digital age, most  IT domains expect you to have a strong grasp of  one programming language and sometimes even more.  

This makes coding a very bankable prospect  and certifications only strengthen your  chance at that lucrative job offer. With new  platforms, even kids are learning to code.  

So 10 years down the line, the market will not be  as less competitive as it is today. So the time  for you to act is right now. You can learn any  language. Python, Java, Node, CSS, HTML, JavaScript.  

so on and so forth. And all of this is available  on one platform, at Edureka. Now tech giants like  Amazon, Facebook, Ubisoft and Google are ready to  pay up to 170,000 USD or up to 30 lakhs

in India, based on skills, experience and geography,  to coders and web developers. Next on our list we  have Big Data and Data Engineering Certifications.  Now data has become a critical corporate asset.  

It is redefining core competencies, core operations  as well as entire business models. Now this is directly proportional to the increase in number of  certifications for Big Data and Data Engineering.  

Some very popular ones are Cloudera Certified  Professional, Hortonworks Hadoop Certification, SAS,  Big data Pro or IBM Big Data Engineer. Edureka also  has a variety of certification programs curated  

by industry experts and an advanced executive  program in Big Data Engineering from NIT, Rourkela. This takes you through the various tools and  technologies related to Big Data such as HDFS,  

MapReduce, Yarn, Sqoop, Flume, etc, in a highly  detailed and comprehensive fashion helping you  land market giants like Facebook, Walmart, Societe Generale  and JP Morgan for salaries as high as $155000  

36 lakhs in India. Finally on our list, we  have Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Certifications Now, as humans what makes us so  unique is our ability to make informed decisions  

Now, that is how we find out solutions to most of  the world's problems today so isn't it a brilliant  idea of occupying our brain function in the more  important tasks and letting smart machines deal  

with the monotony. This is what makes AI such  a popular career choice, if not the most, it has  seen a growth of 344% in the trends in the  past few years. Also, the base salary of AI and ML  

Engineers is about 146,000USD. Now AI and  ML have created close to 2 million jobs and there is more to come. I'm talking about Data Scientists,  ML Architects, AI Architects and many more that  

come under the same umbrella. Now market leaders  like Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Paypal and Google have hiked up maximum salary figures  up to 175,000 USD, globally. Edureka offers a  

variety of AI and ML certifications along with  the PG Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with E&ICT Academy NIT, Warangal  which makes you proficient in concepts such as  

Unsupervised and Supervised Learning, Natural  Language Processing and Deep Learning. AI and MLare penetrating the industry at an unprecedented  rate and it is only wise for you to go with the  

flow on this one. So, with that I am closing the  list of Top 10 Certifications for 2021. Now there  are a few Honourable Mentions which we just had to  touch upon. We have certifications like Data Center Virtualization  

Business Analyst Certifications,  Governance, Risk and Compliance as well as Business Intelligence Certifications which almost made it  to the list. Now with that, we conclude our session  

on the top 10 certifications for the year  2021. Do tell us if we missed out on something in the comment section below. Now remember,  Don't just learn it, master it with Edureka.

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